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Oxpens Design Code - Project Aims

"Dull, inert cities, it is true, do contain the seeds of their own destruction and little else. But lively, diverse, intense cities contain the seeds of their own regeneration, with enough energy to carry over for problems and needs outside themselves".

Jane Jacobs 

Open Space

   Welcome to Oxpens!


This is an new exciting project for an area of West Oxford that has been chosen to be transformed and revitalised.


Working alongside Oxford City Council, the area will be reinvigorated to produce exceptionally high standrads of urban design resulting in a thriving and sustainable new residential development, in keeping with the rest of city.


The creation of this new community will benefit the surrounding area by intergrating seemlessly into the surrounding neighbourhoods, yet still maintain its own identity and thus achieving a sense of place.  


Tired and dilapidated landscape...

Lacking vitality and purpose...

Scope for mixed use scheme on brownfield site... 

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